Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Grove Work...and Faces...:)

Hello All,
On Monday, Daddy and Momma got back from N.C.
And we all headed to the grove and did some...grove cleaning..
Which included...Cutting down loads of pepper tree and haulin' the branches to the burn pile...
The good news is no one had a reaction to the pepper tree!!! ;)

God Bless,
The Campana Family



Jay's Art...
The ever faithful samurai!...
...And it's owner
 Taking a break to tie her shoe...Gabby.
Carryin' to the burn pile...Frankie is such a big helper!
I luv him!

The burn pile.

I love that toothless grin! :)
My lil' Brother...
Cowboy/solider/Dirt biker/boater...can you think of more..;)
Lovely Momma
Poco and his Dog, in what he calls the "Bunny"
Aka : The Volkswagen Rabbit.

Tangled up.

Haulin' away the pepper tree...

1 comment:

Orenczaks said...

I am so happy you guys got your camera!
Can't wait to see you again!